Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sign of the Decline of Western Civilization

Dating service for people who want to cheat on their spouses. (See here)


  1. I don't know what to think about this. They're certainly being honest about it. Obviously, affairs long existed before Ashley Madison was around. I guess it's the tacit approval of having an affair that I find disturbing. It further makes a mockery of the institution of marriage. Why get married at all is my best response to their marketing call. I imagine the service itself makes it easier for someone to justify and initiate an affair. Would a man or woman put more effort into their problem marriage if it weren't so easy? I don't know for sure but I think they would or it would at least die naturally without an intervening (helpful?) hand by Ashley Madison.

  2. It is disturbing. At first I thought it might be a hoax, but it's real.

  3. Why so serious?! I thought the commercial was hilarious!

  4. Actually, some of their commercials are funny but I have a slight problem with the scenario they've envisioned in the one linked. His fat ugly wife should have been beautiful or at least better looking in their wedding picture. That would have made more sense. I would have sympathized with the guy's perceived need somewhat to call Ashley Madison. The fact she was fat and ugly when he married her makes me think the guy's just an idiot.

  5. That's a very good point! A Betty Draper scenario would have been much better.

  6. Yes, speaking of Betty Draper... What does she do when she wants a quickie outside the marriage? She goes to a bar and picks someone up and does him in the backroom. The good ol' days...

  7. Geeze kaelsu, I'd be worried if you were my spouse.
