Thursday, February 26, 2009

CBC In Trouble: Not Much Sympathy from the Tories

Well, here's a little fun respite from Bailout Fatigue. The CBC are experiencing a huge revenue shortfall, and unfortunately for them, Uncle Stephen isn't going to write them a cheque to make up for it:

OTTAWA — The Conservative government has no plans to "insulate" the CBC from the sharp decline in advertising revenue that has forced companies across the media industry to lay off workers and cut costs, a spokesman for the prime minister said Wednesday.

The comments suggest the public broadcaster could come up empty in its efforts to lobby the government for a bridge loan to cover a deeper-than-anticipated drop in ad revenue.

"The CBC cannot be insulated from all market realities," said Kory Teneycke, chief spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper. "Nobody likes to see this, but broadcasters have to adapt to lower ad revenues. No one broadcaster is immune from that."

Amen. The source of this article is from CanWest, which is now a penny stock and barely has a pulse. How can we save one and let another die?

Harper would never say it but, he has to be having a private chuckle over this. CBC have been no friend of his.

Hat tip: Strack Attack

UPDATE: Strack also provided a link for the Globe survey asking: Should the federal government provide more funding for the CBC?

Unfortunately, the left leaning Globe readers favour it by 57%. If they had this survey at the National Post, the results would be different.

1 comment:

  1. Good God, I think a billion dollars is enough. Today I read about CTV and Can-West, closing down small market money losing, TV stations. What makes the CBC so special? How do you think the laid-off CTV worker feels, when the CBC just gets to ask for more government money. Lets at least turn the CBC into one super station in Toronto, and close all the small market money losing stations.They can beam their signal out over the cable system. A billion dollars in subsidies and these F-ers want even more tax money. I think it time to tell the CBC to fuck-off.
