Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cancel the Bar-B Mate!

We're not used to this kind of weather in Vancouver. My barbeque sits idle.

It's getting difficult to cope.

The arctic front that has the whole of British Columbia in its grip has caused road chaos, left thousands without power and is especially tough on the homeless.


  1. This is Canada. A little cold and snow should not be a big deal. Cold conditions did not make the headlines 20 years ago. A message for the media people that keep hyping up cold weather, fuck-off.

  2. I was trying to make a statement about Vancouver. Snow is very unusual here. People don't know how to drive in it, and chaos ensues. I don't even own a pair of boots. I haven't owned a pair of long johns since I left Ottawa.

  3. The flip side of this, funnily enough, is that heat is the number one killer natural disaster in the U.S. see this "Death Map"

  4. "Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets."
    - Travis Bickle, "Taxi Driver"

    Rain/Snow ... tomato/tomaato

  5. Wow, I didn't see a Bickle quote coming when I posted this.

  6. On the bright side, at least you don`t have to hear about global warming during cold snaps.

  7. Yeah, but you still do ... They just call it 'climate change' !

  8. kaelsu, your right. You just can`t win with these crack pot climate change types.

  9. Sea Salt, they don`t know how to drive in the snow? All the more reason to slow down. If snow is such a shock, why don`t they slow down just out of fear? What is going on here?
